Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to be green with furniture

How do you go green with furniture? Easy! You buy furniture not meant to be thrown away after a few years. With Amish furniture found at furniture is work of art, meant to be cared for and appreciated for generations to come.

Amish craftsman carefully select hardwoods from American forests that are from the east central region. Much attention is paid to ensure that are forests are cared for and can be a sustainable natural resource, one that will not only provide beauty in our homes but in our backyards as well.

It takes years to grow the trees that are suitable for Amish furniture. For that reason they must make sure the forests are cared for in order for them to have job security. For that reason they use hardwood suppliers who ensure that forestry is practiced in an environmentally responsible manner. In addition most lumber is forested only a small distance from the Amish craftsman, therefore saving fuel and leaving a less of a carbon footprint.

Nothing is wasted with the Amish. Small wood chips can be shared with neighbors, or used to make smaller items, such as mailboxes or birdhouses. Sawdust may be given to local farmers to use in livestock beds, and scraps are used for firewood.

Also available now are organic finishes on baby furniture. No worries about toxic lead on the crib your most precious baby will live half of it's first year of life in. This baby furniture is 100% safe for you and your family, plus it converts into beautiful furniture that will last your child's lifetime. You don't have to worry about your child beating up the furniture or getting too big for it, or it becoming too "childish" for them as soon as they are over 5 years of age. This furniture will outlast your child's time in your home, and maybe become your grandchild's furniture, once again making you "green". See all Amish organic baby furniture at Kids Comfort Collection.


Vanessa Schultz said...

Great info

Unknown said...

This is very nice post now people wants more beauitful furniture, they want to change furniture time to time as new new trend.